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Exercise Tips for Seniors

Exercise is important no matter what your age: it makes you healthier, happier, stronger, and more flexible. However, as the years pass and your body changes, it’s important that you adjust your exercise regimen to accommodate your body’s abilities and limitations. Use these exercise tips for seniors to stay safe, feel better about your body, and help make exercise a daily habit.

Exercise Tips for Seniors

1. Always follow your doctor’s instructions and advice. Every body is different, and while most of our exercise tips for seniors apply to most seniors, some won’t. So before you start a new exercise program, talk to your doctor. She might recommend that you avoid high-impact exercises or instruct you to work on strength training. Listen to your doctor, especially if you have a preexisting condition or special health concerns. Your doctor knows best.

2. Start slow. Never jump right into a vigorous exercise routine, even if you’re excited about our exercise tips for seniors. You could easily injure yourself. Instead, slowly increase the length and intensity of your workouts so that your body has time to adjust. Plus, slowly easing yourself into a more active lifestyle will help you stick with it.

3. Create a schedule and focus on your goals. If you want to make exercise a part of your life, you need to schedule it in the same way you schedule in your favorite TV shows. If you can keep it up for 4-5 weeks, it will hopefully become a habit. To stick with that schedule, focus on your health goals. Although weight loss is probably the most common goal of exercise, try to choose a fitness target that has more to do with the way you feel, like improved mood or increased energy.

4. Find an exercise you enjoy. So many different activities fall under the category of physical exercise. If you want to keep up this positive lifestyle change, you need to find an activity that you enjoy. Choose the right activity and you might even look forward to your daily exercise! Consider the following ideas as you explore our exercise tips for seniors:

  • Walking. Walking can be done just about anywhere. Plus, you can walk with friends and talk, walk alone and let your mind wander, or walk with your headphones on for some entertainment.
  • Group classes. Group classes let you hang out with your friends while you exercise. Plus, you will be more likely to stick to the class schedule so that you don’t let your friends down.
  • Dance. Exercise is all about movement, so if you get bored lifting weights or walking, try a more vibrant and fun activity like dance. You could dance alone or join a class or group. Try ballroom dancing, line dancing, rhythmic dancing, or even hip hop!
  • Yoga. Flexibility is incredibly important as you age, and yoga is a great way to stretch and relax. You’ll increase your range of motion, improve your balance, and gain strength.

5. Pay attention to your body. This is the most important of our exercise tips for seniors. Although we recommend that you start a regular exercise routine and challenge your body through fitness, be careful as well. You don’t want to push yourself too far. If you experience any pain, feel lightheaded, or notice any other unusual symptoms, stop the exercise and call your doctor.

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One of the great things about living in a retirement community is that a healthy lifestyle is very accessible. Residents can join exercise classes, stroll around the facility, attend group outings, and even get exercise tips for seniors from the medical staff on site. Each of the eight Hearthside Senior Living Place retirement facilities has a Health and Wellness program headed by a nurse. To learn more about the program and our commitment to healthy senior living, contact Hearthside Senior Living Place today.

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